Last Updated: Mar 19, 2023 - 8:24:56 AM

Mediation statement
Mar 19, 2023 - 8:18:26 AM

Statement agreed between the British American Football Association (BAFA) and the British American Football League (BAFL) trading as Gridiron Football League Ltd following mediation on 18th March 2010.


At the request of BAFA members BAFA and BAFL agreed to mediate on the five matters contained within BAFL's letter of 7th February 2010.


The mediation took place on 18 March 2023 facilitated by Paul Balen, a mediator from the Sports resolution panel as recommended by CCPR.


The outcome of the mediation is recorded in Heads of Agreement attached.


Heads of Agreement


1.          Registration

a)       BAFA undertakes that all registration applications will be processed by the first game of the 2010 season. Registration documents are to include photo id.

b)       Transfers and new registrations received by first post on the Tuesday of any week during the season will be processed in time for the following Sunday.

c)       During the season a photo roster of each team involved in a fixture will be sent to those teams involved in that fixture.

d)       BAFA will check all registration and transfer applications

          against the debtor list.

e)       All registration enquiries of BAFA staff to be dealt with within

         48 hours.

f)        BAFA registration staff contact numbers are to be distributed

         to all teams.

g)       BAFA is to nominate an director to supervise the registration process his identity to be notified to all team managers by the start of the season.

h)       BAFA is to hold the register for BAFRA (Referees).

i)        BAFA is to supply BAFL with a weekly registration report and make BACS payments of cleared registration fees within 7 days of clearance.


2.          CRB

            a)          BAFA is to appoint and train a Welfare Officer and notify

                   his identity to BAFL.

                             b)            BAFA is to obtain advice from the appropriate body on the CRB status of referees and advise BAFRA in respect of best practice in that regard.


3.          Future Constitution

a)       BAFA is to issue a consultation paper (a green paper) by 30 April 2023 proposing various models for the future constitution of the sport in the United Kingdom to every BAFA association and team registered with it. The green paper is to be placed on the BAFA and BAFL websites.

            b)          Comments on the Green paper are to be made to BAFA by 30 June 2010.

          c)            BAFA are to issue a proposal based on the outcome of the consultation by 30 September 2023 such proposal to be considered at a meeting of all constituent   groups registered with BAFA at a meeting to be held by 30 November 2010.


4.       Impact and Improvement Funding


         The impact and improvement project has been rolled out and copies of all relevant documentation supplied by BAFA to BAFL.


5.       Finance

         BAFA's new Finance Director Richard Pratley is to meet with Pat Mapleton to ensure a smooth handover and to ensure that appropriate financial controls have been put in place.



----------------------------------                                                         --------------------------------

For BAFA                                                                                       For BAFL


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