Last Updated: Mar 2, 2023 - 6:36:22 PM

BAFA Statement on Current Governance Situation
Mar 2, 2023 - 5:20:46 PM

BAFA remains committed to achieving the best possible solution for all our members from the current situation. The feedback BAFA has received over the last two weeks is that the current BAFL management team are committed to a course of action that is not supported by a significant number of BAFL-affiliated members.

As the National Governing Body for the sport, BAFA has a responsibility to both internal and external stakeholders to ensure all persons can take part in all relevant activities within domestic American football whilst remaining within their governing body.

BAFA already has provision and support for game officials, coaches and university football. BAFA has now created the necessary mechanisms to implement competition streams for all disciplines of community club football. We already have a core team to organise this but are very open to offers of assistance from other people committed to the future of British American football. Please get in touch with one of the BAFA directors if you would like to help.

BAFA is committed to a philosophy of volunteer governance for the sport, and of valuing the many volunteers without whom the sport could not exist. BAFA believes there are many highly capable people within our membership whose abilities remain untapped. However, we appreciate the possible need for professional services to support delivery where volunteers are not able to provide the level of skills and services required. BAFA has committed to the provision of these services in the most cost-efficient way possible and procurement through a process of open tendering.

By maximising the financial efficiency for delivery of core services, more resources can be made available for development, including the development of clubs, an area that has not received sufficient support in the past. The new work now being carried out under the Sport England Impact & Improvement funded project will kick-start this, but a continued commitment from BAFA is necessary and is planned.

BAFA is also committed, under the new structures, to greater openness on financial operations and full consultation on future governance structures.

More details on all these points will be published over the coming days and weeks. In the meantime, the BAFA Directors remain committed to the future development and delivery of our sport for the equal benefit of all.

Gary Marshall – Chair
Charles Macnamara – Vice Chair
Jim Briggs – Director
Andy Fuller – Director
Jim Messenger – Director
David Parsons – Director
Jon Wyse – Director

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