The BAFA Board met on April 9th in Leicester. The following items were discussed and agreed:
BAFA Development Meeting
In light of a number of opportunities and issues that have arisen over the last year it was agreed that a special meeting should be held on 21st May to re-examine BAFA development plans. All associations will be sending delegates and a number of guests with experience in sports development have been invited to contribute to the meeting. The purpose of this first meeting is to establish a joint vision from all the associations of the future of British American football. This will lead on to an action plan to refocus development towards this vision.
National Programme and GB Bulldogs
The National Programme and BSAFA are continuing discussions on how the GB Bulldogs can become more closely integrated. British football has a unique asset in Europe with its collegiate league and many future stars for GB Lions will undoubtedly come through the Bulldogs ranks. BSAFA and the NP, whilst acknowledging there are still details to be resolved, have agreed the benefits to both of building strong links between the two programmes.
Coventry EFAF 2006 Award
The European Junior Flag Football Championship 2006 has been awarded to BAFA and will take place in Coventry. A strong bid was placed by the Local Organising Committee based around the Coventry Jets infrastructure. BAFA is delighted to be hosting it's first international championship since the 1980's as this continues the rising profile of Britain on the European football scene.
BAFA Treasurer Position
The position of BAFA Treasurer has become vacant. It was agreed that if a suitable honourary candidate could not be found within a short period of time then BAFA should consider appointing a professional to this position in the interim.
BAFA Centralised Registration
The BAFA Centralised Registration Scheme is now up and running. Senior and Youth league teams are now registering under this system and report it is working very well.
Referee's numbers up
BAFRA has reported an increase in membership through the early part of 2005 due to increased recruiting efforts. BAFA is acutely aware there is a major shortage of officials and are strongly supporting BAFRA 's recruiting efforts.
Coaches Association continues to grow
BAFCA reported their membership figures now exceed 340. This is the largest membership the association has ever had in it's thirteen year history. The new BAFCA Level 1 coach qualification clinics have been a huge success and 147 coaches have qualified under the system since it's launch eight months ago.
The next BAFA Board meeting will take place on 9th July 2005