Coach Danielson followed by reaffirming some of Mathews thoughts and went on to enhance the evening by talking about some of the considerations coaches should have when they approach coaching. Coaches responded by asking many interesting questions and conversing with one another, sharing ideas.
The key message was to understand the importance of the role of a "Coach" and the responsibility it carries. Amongst so many pertinent points made the ones that stood out were discipline,trust,honesty, intensity, sense of belonging, looking for the positive in all situations, create and feed desire, work relentlessly with your players and probably the most important was "its not what you teach that matters but what the players have understood that's important".
The goal of the evening was to give food for thought when approaching coaching and this was achieved. The next clinic will be in Jan 2006 where the topics will be running drills and practice planning for maximum benefit. London and Southeast Coaches would like to thank Simon Hatcher BAFCA, Denis Danielson NFLE and Bob Mathews EK Mavericks/GB Lions for there support.