Coaches Fletcher and Russell were very pleased with the talent on show at Saturday's Team Scotland Trials.
The participants were put through their paces from the off as both Coach Fletcher and Coach Russell unleashed their grueling set of tests that would allow them to assess every aspect of each and everyone’s abilities. Not only would they be tested on playing ability but on fitness and stamina.
"We were worried that we wouldn't get the numbers on the day. Interest for the trials had been very slow.", stated Head Coach Fletcher. "It was even more disappointing to hear that some teams would not be supporting the Senior squad programme this year."
"However, our worries were misplaced as enough trialists attended to make our preparations worth while.", Fletcher concluded.
After a Light warm up the trialists were thrown headlong into the first set of tests and drills by Coach Russell . The 40 yard sprint, agility test, tackling abilities, centre skills, shuttle runs.
After a break the trials moved on to assessing each individuals game skills before returning to the final set of tests for stamina and agility.
The conclusion was a scrimmage which allowed the coaches to see the players in full gametime situations.
Both Coach Fletcher and Coach Russell concluded that the trials had been a great success and will be contacting all the participants very shortly with their decisions.