Last Updated: Jul 14, 2023 - 10:35:37 PM

Steering Group - Election Procedure
Jul 14, 2023 - 10:42:11 AM

The procedure for electing the representatives to the Governance Review Steering Groups is outlined in advance of the voting date.

As per the Governance Review Terms of Reference article the voting procedure is as follows:

All voters will contain all information in the title of their email. This information will include :
  • The preferred candidate name
  • The name of the voter
  • The team / association which the voter is registered with
  • The BAFA number
i.e. Candidate F, Terry Jones, London Team, 0003456

All votes will then be in one place for counting and access will be given for an external verifier. All voters will be checked against our central database.

The email for sending votes to is:

Time frame: voting starts: 08.00hours and closes at 19.00hours on July 15th.

Where possible please use the email address which you have submitted to the Governing Body in registration forms when voting.

List of candidates:

T Burridge - form here

If anyone has any questions please contact

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