Last Updated: Apr 8, 2023 - 10:36:49 PM

BAFA Disciplinary Panel Members Wanted
Mar 30, 2023 - 10:00:43 AM

BAFA is looking to recruit a number of senior people from within all
aspects of the sport to form a disciplinary panel.

With the change to competition structures this season, BAFA has
decided to adopt a common approach to discipline in all competitions,
including the Community Leagues and BUAFL. This means that instead of
each league having its own disciplinary structure, a single panel will
deal with appeals against ejections and other player disciplinary
matters. This will mean that the BAFA Disciplinary Code, revised in
2008, will be more consistently applied.

Anyone who wishes to nominate someone for the panel should contact the
BAFA Disciplinary Officer, Jim Briggs, at
before 10th April. It is expected that prospective panel members would
have been participants in the sport for several years, as a player,
coach, club volunteer or official.

Training will be provided for those appointed. It is expected that
members of the panel will deal with cases on a rota basis, and would
not be involved in any case involving their club or its opponents.

BAFA is an   equal   opportunities organisation so we welcome applications from members regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief.

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