Last Updated: Nov 26, 2023 - 7:19:09 PM

BAFA meets with Youth Sports Trust
Nov 26, 2023 - 1:06:07 PM

BAFA meets with YST

The BAFA are delighted to confirm that BAFA Whole Sport Manager, Ken Walters, recently met with Roger Davis, Youth Sport Trust (National Council for School Sport) - National Development Manager, to discuss the potential of working more effectively with School Sport Partnerships (SSP's). It is hoped that the Youth Sport Trust, whose mission is to support the education and development of all young people through physical education (PE) and sport, will become a key partner with BAFA in the future.
Speaking on BAFA’s recent developments, Roger commented, "The YST through the national PE, School Sport and Club Links strategy (PESSCL) is striving to increase the quantity and quality of competitive school sport for young people. The long-term ambition is the ensure that, by 2012, all young people have access to five hours of high quality PE and school sport a week, both within the curriculum and outside the school day. BAFA’s exciting development work with young people through its clubs is clearly bringing the game to an ever growing group of young people. We are happy to share the knowledge and expertise gained by many sports in working with SSP's. Clearly American football provides a vibrant and exciting alternative sporting outlet for some youngsters not turned on by traditional team games."

In the coming weeks, the BAFA will publish more information about their developments on the Youth Sport Trust web portal “Sport Xchange” - as well as in “Team Talk”, the termly newsletter to School Sports Partnerships.

On the back of this, the BAFA will endeavour identify some hot spot areas and do some development work with School Sports Partnerships in the summer of 2008.
Finally, Roger has kindly invited BAFA to attend a meeting with a cluster of smaller NGB’s on 30th January 2008 to discuss and learn from generic development successes and issues. Speaking on this invitation, Ken Walters added, "Whilst we are aware that the Youth Sport Trust cannot commit to inviting BAFA full-time to this group, the meeting in January will undoubtedly be of great benefit at this stage of our development". Ken concluded, "we look forward with anticipation to working with colleagues from other sports - as well as working on the other opportunities Roger has presented us with".

On hearing the developments, BAFA Chairman, Gary MArshall, commented, "Whilst a lot of our work with schools and young people is somewhat embryonic, we nonetheless have many success stories to tell - for example, Woodham Warriors recently achieved a very creditable seventh at the NFL World Championships in New Orleans earlier this year". Gary concluded, "The BAFA would like to thank Roger and his colleagues at the Youth Sport Trust for the opportunities presented to BAFA - we look forward to a long and prosperous working relationship".

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