Last Updated: Jul 4, 2023 - 12:50:21 PM

BAFA adopts the UK Coaching Framework
Apr 28, 2023 - 1:53:36 PM

Further to the recent statement of intent by BAFA to endorse the UK Coaching Framework, the BAFA is delighted to announce the formal adoption of the UK Coaching Framework standard.

The UKCF is a Sport Coach UK led initiative to revolutionise coaching across all sports over an eleven-year period up to 2016.

BAFA Chairman, Gary Marshal, said, "I would like to thank the team from BAFCA, led by Jim Messenger, for all the work done in getting us to this point. The BAFA has concluded this project is so important to the development of our sport that it will now be adopted as a BAFA led initiative and incorporated into the Whole Sport Plan. We will of course still be calling on the expertise of Jim and the BAFCA in delivering the project."

Jim Messenger recently attended the prestigious, two-day, UK Coaching Summit on behalf of BAFA/BAFCA. At this meeting, the lead coaching agencies of all sports agreed the UKCF as the standard for the future in the UK. Jim said, "This was an amazing event. The opportunities to gather information and network were fantastic.” Jim continued, “The support for UKCF is overwhelming. UK sports coaches have rallied behind an ambitious plan to revolutionise sport in our country. BAFCA are delighted to have been part of this process. We are very pleased that the BAFA have seen the importance of the UKCF and taken ownership of the initiative."

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