Last Updated: Feb 29, 2023 - 8:25:49 PM

BAFCA meets with Sports Coach UK
By BAFCA Media and Marketing
Feb 5, 2024 - 7:12:59 PM

Representatives from BAFCA visited the head office of Sports Coach UK on Friday 26th January 2007.

In support of BAFA's Whole Sport Plan, BAFCA plan to move their Coach Education Programme towards the UK Coaching Certificate standard and look at the wider aspects of coach and coaching development.

The UK Coaching Certificate is an aspect of the UK Coaching Framework
- A 3-7-11 year Action Plan - formerly known as the  UK Action Plan for
Coaching. The UKCC provides a standard framework for coach education
and a UK wide recognised seal of quality coaching.

BAFCA President, Jim Messenger, and  Clinics Co-ordinator/WSP Team Advisor, Simon Newnham, met with Sports Coach UK's Head of NGB Support Ian Wilson and the West Midlands Coach Development Officer Amanda Scriven.

Jim Messenger said, "Ian and Amanda have been extremely helpful in
providing guidance for the future development of our Coach Education
Programme. We have a lot of good coaches working within our sport.
BAFCA would like to see their abilities fully recognised by achieving
this 'professional' status. We still have a long way to go but, with
Sports Coach UK's support, we are excited about meeting the challenges

Ian Wilson said, "Whilst we are limited at the current time with
ability to offer bespoke 1:1 support to all NGBs, we are happy to
appropriately signpost those sports who are willing, ready and able to
review their overall coaching systems in line with the new UK Coaching
Framework.  The initial meeting with BAFCA helped us as a Coaching
Agency find out more about the BAFA and their coaching developments to
date; and for the sport, they were able to be better informed about
the UK Coaching Framework, the United Kingdom Coaching Certificate and
the supporting tools currently developed to help sports developed
their wider coaching strategies, which I trust will be useful as the
sport looks to progress their Whole Sport Plan".

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