
Great Britain Lions
Lions Head to Doncaster
Oct 21, 2023 - 4:08:49 PM

The GB Lions will be playing the French National Team at the Keepmoat, Doncaster on Saturday 14th November with a 5.00pm kick-off (tbc)


This game forms part of the continuing build up to next years European Championship in Frankfurt Germany; and is the return fixture in the two game series that started with GB winning in France 13 – 7 last November.


GB Lions Head Coach, Riq Ayub said, ‘We have a very good relationship with the French National Programme and both Teams are looking forward to locking horns again. We see this as an important step in building upon the recent Tri-Nations Tournament in July and it gives us the potential to look at a few new faces in a testing game situation. The French are always difficult opponents and will be looking for a win on British soil’


The Doncaster Mustangs, whose home pitch is being used for the game, are helping to stage this important fixture in the Lions calendar.


BAFA Chairman, Gary Marshall, said, ‘We are delighted to have this game in Doncaster a nd we are working closely with the Mustangs who are acting as game day hosts for us. They are helping the Lions with local organisation and game day management and Mark Blyth, who headed up the recent successful Britbowl organising team, is lending us his expertise’


Coach Ayub added, ‘We hope that people will come out to support the Lions in this game which is sure to be a hard fought affair.’


Admission on the day is £5.00 for adults; £2.50 for U.18; and £10.00 for a family (2 adults and child/children).

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