
BAFA Statement on issues relating to BSAFA
Apr 23, 2023 - 9:04:48 AM

At a Board Meeting of the British American Football Association on Saturday 21 April, two important matters relating to BSAFA were progressed.

Firstly, an Extraordinary General Meeting was convened and BAFA Director Richard Handby was removed from his post as a BAFA Director by a vote of five to one (Richard Handby was the one  vote against). The feeling of the BAFA Board of Directors was that the crucial element of trust had been lost between Mr Handby and the other Board members.

After the EGM, the BAFA Directors invited the new members of the BSAFA NMC to meet with them. Carl Marshall attended, joined by Phil De Monte and Pete Eastwood whom BAFA understands are expected to join the NMC in the near future.

The meeting provided an opportunity to re-affirm BAFA's stance concerning the ongoing financial issues. At the time of the meeting the outstanding debt of BSAFA stood at £24,740.51 - although a cheque for £5,000 has recently been received and is awaiting clearance.

The BAFA Board thanked the BSAFA representatives for their attendance.

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