
More Training for BAFRA’s New Recruits
Jun 5, 2023 - 8:19:26 PM

Following the success of BAFRA’s training day for new recruits held in Coventry earlier this year, Davie Parsons, BAFRA’s Director of Training has now organised another similar event.

Coming under the title “Training Day for New Recruits” the event is being held on Sunday 1st July and will form part of BAFA’s inaugural convention taking place at Leicester University.  Training will be tailored mainly towards new recruits and officials who have taken up the stripes within the last year. However, an open invitation is extended to anyone who is interested in becoming an official or would just like to discuss the possibility.

The programme will include some presentations, a practical session, video review and plenty of discussions on Rules and Mechanics.

So what happens next? Well all you have to do is register your intentions to attend by sending Davie an email at and be there on the day for a starting time of around 10:00am. Finish time will be around 4:00pm at the latest. Tea and coffee will be provided. More details on the location within the University and directions will also be provided

If you can’t make the event but would still like to become an official then log on to for more information

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