
Coach Clinic Roadshow a Resounding Success!
Apr 16, 2023 - 10:27:28 AM

The BAFCA in cooperation with the NFL has just concluded another Coach Qualification Roadshow. Over ten days, starting in Scotland and moving down through England, thirteen qualification clinics were delivered to over 180 coaches.

President of BAFCA, Jim Messenger, stated, "This has been another great event for our coaches. The enthusiasm of participants to learn and the high quality of presentation will undoubtedly feed back major benefits to the domestic sport.

"I would like to thank Kathryn Kelly, Alistair Kirkwood and Tony Allen from the NFL for their continued support of BAFCA and coach development in the UK. Also, our guest speakers from the USA, coaches Nick FitzGerald and Tom Ciaccio. Their enthusiasm to aid our education programme with their vast knowledge and professionalism has been amazing.

"Last, but not least, this event would not have happened without the knowledge and organisational skills of Simon Newnham. On behalf of the BAFCA, my thanks go out to all."

BAFCA Coordinator of Clinics and BAFA development advisor, Simon Newnham, commented, "The success of the last week can be directly attributed to the partnership the BAFCA has with the NFL. The American coaches provided by the NFL have continually helped us to improve the quality and content of our Level 2 Qualification Modules.

"A second major benefit for us in having the involvement of American coaches is the development of our own coach tutors. To see how American coaches deliver the modules, teach techniques, drills and systems greatly improves the ability of our own presenters to do the same.

"British coaches have very few opportunities to work with and interact with coaches from the USA and this program goes a long way in rectifying that situation."

The BAFCA are now planning further qualification clinics and details will be released as available.

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