
BAFCA progress towards UK Coaching Framework
Mar 8, 2023 - 7:45:21 PM

BAFCA President, Jim Messenger, recently met with Steve McQuaid, Head of Education and Training, Sports Coach UK to discuss a delivery plan for the UK Coaching Certificate in American football.

The UKCC standard is being adopted by many sports as the quality assured standard for coach qualifications. Most of the UK's major sports have already achieved endorsement and are delivering UKCC qualifications.

Jim Messenger said, "Our coaches deserve to have a high quality education programme and qualifications that are nationally recognised. The UK Coaching Certificate standard is a must for our sport. With the support of scUK we will be working through the coming months to put the foundations in place.

He continued, "I am particularly grateful to Ian Wilson, Amanda Scriven and Steve McQuaid of scUK for the help and support they have provided so far."

Steve McQuaid said, "We are excited to be working with Jim and the BAFCA in supporting the UK Coaching Certificate developments in American Football.  The coaches from other sports who have been through the UKCC endorsed programmes are reporting a real difference and significant benefits both to themselves and to their participants and performers. We are fully supportive of BAFCA in furthering this innovative level of support to coaches within American Football."

The current BAFCA Coach Education Programme will evolve into a structure that is compliant with the UKCC standard over the next 12-24 months. It is envisaged that coaches who hold qualifications under the present BAFCA education programme will be able to use these as credits towards the new qualifications once these become available.

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