
BAFCA builds on relationship with SCUK
Apr 23, 2023 - 10:06:19 AM

Over the last month, representatives from BAFCA have attended three further meetings with Sports Coach UK on the quest towards improving their education programme in line with the UK Coaching Framework.

Initial audits of BAFCA's position have now been carried out in relation to both the UKCF and the World Class Coaching System.

BAFCA President Jim Messenger said, 'We have gone through a steep learning curve over the last two months. With the input from SCUK we have now gained a whole new perspective on coach development and the crucial contribution this will make to the future development of our sport. We are still in the learning and planning stage at present, so our coaches will not see much change just yet. But with the firm support of the BAFA we are committed to improving our education programme in line with the UKCF format". Jim continued, 'I am extremely grateful to our SCUK Relationship Officer, Amanda Scriven, and SCUK Head of NGB Support, Ian Wilson, for their support and assistance in this project. It's still very early in the process, but American football is now taking its first steps in joining the mainstream of UK sport.'

Amanda Scriven said, 'I am happy to assist BAFCA in their development towards the UK Coaching Framework. It is long journey but good progress has been made over these first few months.'

BAFCA will be presenting details of the UKCF concept to BAFA Directors at the next Board meeting on April 21st. The BAFA have already informally supported the concept of the UKCF and will be discussing full inclusion into the BAFA Whole Sport Plan.

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