
BAFCA benefits from new BAFA insurance deal
Feb 14, 2023 - 4:49:40 PM

The BAFCA are delighted to announce an outstanding new deal for coach insurance. Previously, coach insurance for BAFCA members was obtained through the scUK group scheme at £51.50 per annum. That scheme was discontinued in November 2007 and individual insurance through scUK now costs £76 per annum.
All BAFA member insurance is now centrally administered by BAFA Central Registrations and a deal has been negotiated for coaches specific insurance cover, to the same specification as the scUK policy, at the greatly reduced rate of £15 per annum!
With such an excellent deal, the BAFCA Board now consider this has removed the cost barrier to coaches being insured and we are now able to realise the aim of having all active coaches qualified and insured. Therefore the Board has decided, in consultation with BAFA, that the time is right to make coach insurance mandatory.
In future, any person that holds a BAFCA level 1 qualification (or greater) and applies or renews to be an active coach will automatically pay the insurance fee.
To summarise; the BAFCA fee remains at £15, the insurance fee will also be £15, meaning that qualified coaches will now pay £30 per annum.

For persons who are not yet qualified to coach, they will still be able join BAFCA or to registered as a coach with their team pending qualification. They will be termed as a 'candidate coach' and will not pay the insurance fee initially. Candidate coaches will NOT appear on team rosters as coaches and must NOT be actively coaching. As soon as they have achieved qualification, the candidate coach can pay the £15 insurance fee and then become active. 

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