
Consultation on the BAFA Disciplinary Code
Oct 17, 2023 - 11:02:54 PM

BAFA is currently consulting its members on changes to the BAFA Disciplinary Code.

The current BAFA Disciplinary Code only covers people ejected from games, appeals against ejections, and misconduct committed on game days. This has worked reasonably satisfactorily since it was introduced in 1990, but there has been a feeling across BAFA that the Code needs to cover other things. In recent years, BAFA has had to consider the possibility of members being convicted of child molestation and criminal assault, or found guilty of maladministration or fraud.

A preliminary survey of disciplinary procedures of the BAFA member organisations has been carried out. The survey revealed a number of gaps in what is covered by one organisation but not by others, and there are considerable variations in the procedures followed. A report on this was presented to the BAFA Board in July.

BAFA is therefore carrying out this consultation to ascertain what scope the BAFA Disciplinary Code should have in terms of:

  • what categories of offences should be covered
  • the extent to which principles and procedures should be standardised
  • what levels of punishment are appropriate
To participate in the consultation, please click:

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