
BAFA meets with Sport England
By BAFA Media and Marketing
Nov 26, 2023 - 11:43:48 AM

Responding to an invitation from newly appointed Sport England Commercial Director, Thomas Godfrey, the BAFA WSP Manager, Ken Walters and CCPR Membership Development Officer, Richard Norman, met to discuss the potential of the BAFA securing commercial revenue to deliver its Whole Sport Plan.
At the meeting, Ken presented the background, history and credentials of the sport in Great Britain, the impact of the NFL in the British market, the pathway the BAFA hope to take and an overview of Get into American Football - the BAFA initiative to introduce new people to the sport.
Thomas Godfrey, whose remit is to partner NGB’s with commercial partners said of BAFA, "BAFA obviously has a very loyal and dedicated group of participants and volunteers. If American football is to become a significant participation sport in the UK then BAFA must develop close ties with the NFL which will be based around marketing, merchandising and franchising initially. We will of course pass any commercial interest we receive on to Ken from companies looking for a niche market and incredibly committed people."

Ken added, “I would like to take the opportunity to thank Thomas for taking time out of his busy schedule to consider what the BAFA has to offer commercial partners. We remain hopeful that Sport England will be able to support in this capacity”.

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