
BAFA attends EFAF General Assembly
Apr 1, 2023 - 10:11:16 PM

Gary Marshall and Glen Schild discuss matters with Uwe Talke
Following on from the success of last years EFAF General Assembly meeting hosted by BAFA at the Tower of London, it was the turn of the Russian Federation of American Football to host the event!

Representatives from across Europe assembled in Moscow at the weekend for the formal annual meeting of the European Federation of American Football. Representing BAFA was Chairman, Gary Marshall and Finance Director, Glen Schild.

The spectacular St Basil's Cathedral in Moscow
Among the topics discussed was the re-scheduling of the European National Championships A Tournament which has been put back to 2010. Finland confirmed that they can no longer host the tournament and a decision on a replacement host has yet to be made.

Following the conclusion of this year's European Junior Championship there will be further meetings to consider the future format for this competition.

In two weeks time EFAF will hold it's first ever "Women in Sport Conference" and BAFA will be represented in Helsinki by the BUAFL Research Officer, Dr. Elesa Argent.

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