
By BAFA Media and Marketing
Sep 5, 2023 - 7:04:33 PM

Whole Sport Plan Manager, Ken Walters, attended the CCPR AGM at St, James’s Palace, London as BAFA representative on July 24, 2007.

The meeting, chaired by CCPR President, HRH Prince Phillip, was the first that the BAFA was eligible to attend since becoming members in late 2006. Topics covered at the meeting included Presidents remarks, an annual report by CCPR Chair of the Board of Directors, Brigid Simmonds, a finance report by CCPR Treasurer, John Crowther, and the Sports Leaders UK Award, The President’s Cup, Emeritus Award and the Arthur Bell Trophy.

Ken Walters commented, “The Duke of Edinburgh was a most engaging chair and even though this was my first CCPR AGM, it is was sad to hear that Prince Phillip will be standing down in two years. Undoubtedly the CCPR will find it a challenge to find someone, to quote CCPR Chair, Brigid Simmonds, who will “fill his shoes”". Prince Phillip has been President of the CCPR for fifty-six years.

At lunch, Ken Walters had a few moments to discuss the topic of American Football in Great Britain with Prince Phillip. Ken added, it was re-assuring to hear from his Royal Highness that the issues we face are similar to that faced by other CCPR members - and that membership of the CCPR is of great value to BAFA in overcoming these challenges.

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