
BAFA Community Leagues Registration Update
Mar 25, 2023 - 11:20:43 PM

With the BAFA Community Leagues Team Registration deadline passing at midnight on Wednesday 24th March the Community Leagues Organising Committee (CLOC) are pleased to announce an overwhelming response from teams in all forms of football.
While there are still some loose ends to tie up, player registration information will start to be distributed to teams over the next 48 hours with final confirmation of league structures and fixtures to quickly follow.
CLOC Coordinator Nick Rockell said "The teams themselves have done a great job of making this happen, their support is priceless to us. We are working hard to keep the momentum going into player registrations and areas such as Associate membership. We have also had a huge amount of people volunteer and we will be looking to put them to work over the coming days, weeks and season."  
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